September 4, 2019

Jenkins vs. Gitlab CI

With Gitlab CI going full steem ahead following their proclaimed vision, we want to have a look on it ourselves! Mostly working with the proven and beloved open source CI tool Jenkins, we are wondering, will Gitlab give us some new features and benefits or will it not be able to replace Jenkins as the […]

theCodeCampus Autor Janik Kessler

Janik Kessler
Developer at thecodecampus </>

December 31, 2018

Android Room: room Entity class must be annotated with @Entity

If you run into the following error you probably provide a class that is either not correctly annotated or shouldn’t be there.

The source of this problem usually can be found by looking at your database class, the example code is in Kotlin but should also apply to Java:

Now make sure, that any […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

December 2, 2018

Building Flutter on Gitlab – Flutter Android Image

When it came to building a Flutter MVP application, I was very dissatisfied with the existing Flutter Images. They were outdated by many many versions. Therefore I created an image reflecting the current version of Flutter. The source is on Github, you can find the Image ‘kattwinkel/flutter-android’ on Docker Hub. A minimal .gitlab-ci.yml file might just […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

October 27, 2018

Install Docker on Ubuntu 18.10

Currently there is no official release of Docker available for Ubuntu 18.10. Therefore you’ll run into errors like this one: 

But there is already a way to utilize the test repo to have Docker for Ubuntu 18.10:

Before you apply this fix, please check if the official resources have been updated at:

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

May 7, 2018

Use Git Bash, Cmder or ConEmu as default terminal in IntelliJ IDEA on Microsoft Windows

This post will show you how to easily set the default Terminal to a Unix/bash like terminal in IntelliJ IDEA on Windows. As the Windows CMD.EXE is quite limited in it’s functionality (and usability) you might already be using some UNIX-like terminal emulator like Git Bash (which comes with Git for Windows, so you might […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

November 22, 2017

Angular Full Height App Component

Since I have seen a lot of very different approaches to build up an Angular application correctly regarding the CSS positioning, I would like to talk about the different solutions in a short article. Basically it has to be said that our application is usually included in an HTML document as app-root. An index.html created with […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

March 13, 2017

What we learned in 1 year of Angular 2 trainings

When we founded in 2014 we had some year’s experience in developing angular 1 applications. We also had a few years’ experience of doing trainings for Eclipse RCP. Last year we added our angular 2 trainings, months before angular 2 was finally released! We were really surprised how well it was received, but also […]

theCodeCampus Autor Jan Blankenhorn

Jan Blankenhorn
Developer at thecodecampus </>

January 16, 2017

Trello Calendar Version 2

Recently we have released a new version of our Calendar for Trello. The project started as a learning project for interns at our company but fastly increasing user numbers made the relevance of this project clear to us. Shortly the calendar had acquired so many users, that we were hitting Trello’s API limit. We needed […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

January 14, 2017

“Intl is not defined” with Angular 2

If you are using the date, currency, decimal or percent pipes in Angular 2 make sure to add the required Intl Polyfill to your application before you ship it to production. The Internationalization API is not yet implemented in all browser versions out there. If you forget this you’ll receive the Intl is not defined error in many browsers. […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>

July 27, 2016

Ionic 2 Proxy while Development with Gulp

From time to time you may need to add a proxy to your Ionic 2 project. It is actually really simple but many articles in the web still refer to the old Ionic 2 build using webpack. Since it is now gulp based and modularized you must use the ionic.config.json file in order to create a […]

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Admin Admin
Developer at thecodecampus </>