March 13, 2017

What we learned in 1 year of Angular 2 trainings

When we founded in 2014 we had some year’s experience in developing angular 1 applications. We also had a few years’ experience of doing trainings for Eclipse RCP. Last year we added our angular 2 trainings, months before angular 2 was finally released! We were really surprised how well it was received, but also […]

theCodeCampus Autor Jan Blankenhorn

Jan Blankenhorn
Developer at thecodecampus </>

April 15, 2015

Convert Strings from hyphen-notation to camel case (Java / Guava)

There are many ways how to sperate words in a String for us programmers. One of the most popular are seperation by “hyphens” and using the CamelCase Notation. The library Guava from Google provides excellent help for converting a string from one format to the other Hyphen Format

 Camel Case Format (Wikipedia)

Conversion in […]

theCodeCampus Autor Jan Blankenhorn

Jan Blankenhorn
Developer at thecodecampus </>

January 23, 2015

Pimp my Legacy Webapp! Integration von AngularJS und Struts1

Im privaten Umfeld und im Geschäftsalltag verbreiten sich moderne Webtechnologien immer rasanter. Bei der Wartung alter Webanwendungen, sprich „Legacy Webapps“ gerät man deshalb unter den Druck, ähnliche Features sowie eine möglichst komfortable Benutzerführung bereitzustellen. Dies ist jedoch mit den vorhandenen Technologien gar nicht oder nur mit sehr hohem Aufwand möglich. Um die gewünschten Anforderungen umzusetzen, […]

theCodeCampus Autor Jan Blankenhorn

Jan Blankenhorn
Developer at thecodecampus </>