December 4, 2018

Introduction to Live Templates in IntelliJ IDEA

There are many ways how IntelliJ IDEA can boost your productivity by raw input speed. Firstly, there is Code Completion which is a standard for most code editors, and offers a great deal of help. Secondly, there is Postfix Completion. Maybe this name doesn’t sound familiar to you but you are probably using it already. […]

theCodeCampus Autor Christian Heitmann

Christian Heitmann
Developer at thecodecampus </>

July 18, 2018

Angular, Preserving Query Params and Google AdWords

… and how all this leads to an incorrect source of traffic in Google Analytics and incorrect conversion attribution.   The situation is as follows: On we run an Angular 6 page. We advertise our product with Google AdWords. If a visitor comes via Google AdWords, the URL is appended with a glcid and several […]

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May 7, 2018

Use Git Bash, Cmder or ConEmu as default terminal in IntelliJ IDEA on Microsoft Windows

This post will show you how to easily set the default Terminal to a Unix/bash like terminal in IntelliJ IDEA on Windows. As the Windows CMD.EXE is quite limited in it’s functionality (and usability) you might already be using some UNIX-like terminal emulator like Git Bash (which comes with Git for Windows, so you might […]

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March 5, 2018

Throwing Errors in Npm Build Script

From time to time you may want to throw an error from within an npm build script. This should be done in such a way that the complete execution of the script is recognized as faulty. So that for example, a build server recognizes that a script did not run successfully. You only need to […]

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February 13, 2017

Virtual Box refuses to boot – “The device helper structure version has changed.”

You will receive this error when you have a version mismatch between Virtual Box and the virtualbox-ext-pack version. This can be caused by an automatic update. The solution is applied in the host system and is very simple. Especially on Linux systems such as Ubuntu, since here the dependencies are automatically matched to the correct version. For Windows […]

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