December 4, 2018

Introduction to Live Templates in IntelliJ IDEA

There are many ways how IntelliJ IDEA can boost your productivity by raw input speed. Firstly, there is Code Completion which is a standard for most code editors, and offers a great deal of help. Secondly, there is Postfix Completion. Maybe this name doesn’t sound familiar to you but you are probably using it already. […]

theCodeCampus Autor Christian Heitmann

Christian Heitmann
Developer at thecodecampus </>

December 2, 2018

Material 2: Sticky Footer with Mat Sidenav

My guess is your using Angular in combination with Angular Material and you desperately need a sticky footer, ideally, in a variable height. No need to look any further. This article will provide you with a basic solution for given circumstances. This article was updated and tested for Angular 7 and Material 2 Version 7.1.1 […]

theCodeCampus Autor Christian Heitmann

Christian Heitmann
Developer at thecodecampus </>