October 27, 2016

IntelliJ / WebStorm für TypeScript einrichten

For English version please go to “Howto: Configure IntelliJ/WebStorm for TypeScript development” on medium.com JetBrain’s IDEs (IntelliJ, WebStorm, …) haben TypeScript sehr früh unterstützt und sind derzeit definitiv mit die beliebtesten IDEs. Sie für die Entwicklung mit TypeScript zu konfigurieren kann aber derzeit recht frustrierend sein. Falsche Fehlermeldungen und träges Verhalten sind gängige Probleme. In diesem Blog-Eintrag […]

Roman Roelofsen
Developer at thecodecampus </>

September 16, 2015

Converting JavaScript to TypeScript – Common Problems

Converting JavaScript code to TypeScript Here at theCodeCampus and w11k we are using TypeScript in web projects for 12 months now. Our experiences with TypeScript are overwhelming so far! Using TypeScript is a huge improvement over a JavaScript-based development, especially in larger projects. One of TypeScript’s advantages and often communicated characteristic is that its syntax is […]

Roman Roelofsen
Developer at thecodecampus </>

June 3, 2015

Client-side Errors in Rich Internet Application-Architectures

Problem When building applications with frameworks like AngularJS, we usually create so called “Rich Internet Applications” (RIA). The architecture of a RIA differs from a “traditional” application in several aspects: The server is (almost) stateless The client is stateful Server and client communicate over a coarse-grained interface The client contains (more) business logic With good […]

Roman Roelofsen
Developer at thecodecampus </>