June 20, 2016

Ionic 2 use NavController in Service to show Alerts

Usually you inject Nav:NavController into your classes constructor to use it:

But if you are working in a service you will receive the following error:

If you want to show alerts from within a service you are required to use the NavController.  To do so simply create the private field nav with type NavController. […]

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June 6, 2016

Verlosung: 4x Freikarte für Herbstcampus 2016 in Nürnberg

Als Speaker beim Herbstcampus am 31.08 und 01.09 in Nürnberg stellt uns der Veranstalter freundlicherweise jeweils eine Eintrittskarte zur Verfügung. Dementsprechend haben wir 4 kostenlose Eintrittskarten für die beiden Konferenztage zu verschenken und starten daher eine Verlosung. Verlosung Folgt uns auf Twitter unter @theCodeCampus und retweetet unseren Post zu diesem Blog-Eintrag. Dadurch nehmt ihr automatisch […]

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Developer at thecodecampus </>

June 2, 2016

Ionic 2 set Focus of Input Element

Playing around with Ionic 2 i came to the following issue. I had a component where i’d like to automatically set the focus of an element after the view is loaded completely. The approach is similar to the AngularJS/Ionic1 one. We create a directive. But instead of using jQuery or jQuery Lite to set the […]

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May 25, 2016

How participants of our Angular 2 class styled the demo app

Our Angular 2 basic training adopt the successful structure of the AngularJS 1 course: Develop a fully functional demo application, step by step. Learn all the concepts by learning one and directly apply it. During developing the demo application, we neglect styling the app to fully concentrate on the core concepts of Angular 2: components, […]

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Developer at thecodecampus </>